Thursday, March 10, 2011


I am so excited to be starting this blog!  In light of so many crazy things going on, I want to focus on something truly important: me and what I am doing.  SO now you can all check in to see what I am up to and what new ideas I come up with!  I bet you are excited!

All kidding aside, I am happy to have a way to keep everyone informed about my work and its growth.  I am also happy to have an outlet to get out my thoughts.  (They are scary when they stay in there to long.)  

So this is where it all begins.  I am currently working in this small bedroom studio, that is about 10 x 12 feet, but has just enough room to create.

And though it only has one outlet, it is no longer in the basement.  Small spaces lend themselves to more organization (and also to more messes!)  I also know that working in a small space also leads to smaller work.  I am trying to break free of this by working in multiple panels.  That's right, some of my newest work returns to the painting roots that started me in school and helped me to find my passion for jewelry.  I also think these are inspired by the drawing classes I was teaching last semester.  

These pictures are made porcelain coated steel tiles that I use liquid, water color and powdered enamels to render one of my favorite subjects: flowers.  They are simple and small, but add a great splash to any decor.  These works are available at Petal Pusher, or contact me for information about making one to your specification.

I think these are a great reference to both of my jobs (as a florist and art professor) and refer back to some of my favorite work that I have made.  


Working on panels kinda makes me wish that I had taken more advantage of the large scale enameling kiln at Kent State while I was there.  (At least I am using all the great information I learned there!)

So thanks for taking a minute to catch up!
Hope you like the new work!